Walking Group: Thursday Historic Sites Walk Group – Various MetroLink Stations

STARTING POINT: Various MetroLink Stations on select Thursdays

Rick Rosen will lead a walking group that will meet for three walks during the spring season on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am. Walks will be between 2 and 4 miles in length. For those interested in joining Rick’s walks, email him at rarstl2@aol.com. Rick will e-mail the group several days before each walk with walk details. Walks will be canceled by 8 am if inclement weather.

Matt Fernandes will also lead a walking group that will meet for three walks during the spring season on Thursdays at various times and at various transit centers. For those interested in joining Matt’s walks, email him at MJFernandes@bistatedev.org. Matt will email the group several days before each walk with walk details.

Interested in attending a single walk? Register here. Remember, include the date and destination of the walk you are registering for.

Spring 2025 Schedule:

    Destination Date
of Walk
Day Time Meeting Point Walk Leader
“Laclede’s Landing: Past/Present/Future” April 3 Thursday 10 AM Laclede’s Landing MetroLink Station Rick Rosen
Walking Tour of The Grove April 17 Thursday TBD Cortex MetroLink Station Matt Fernandes
“Cupples Station: Greatest Freight Terminal in the Country” May 1 Thursday 10 AM Stadium MetroLink Station Rick Rosen
Francis Park May 29 Thursday TBD Forest Park-DeBaliviere MetroLink Station Matt Fernandes
“City Beautiful as it Unfolded in Downtown STL Civic Center” June 5 Thursday 10 AM Civic Center MetroLink Station Rick Rosen
Walking Tour of Soulard June 19 Thursday TBD Civic Center MetroLink Station Matt Fernandes