STARTING POINT: Shrewsbury-Lansdowne I-44 Station on Various Saturdays
Sara Feagans is the walk leader of the Saturday Shrewsbury group. Walkers will meet by the ticket vending machines located near the elevator and closest to where buses are parked. Walks are moderate and typically involve walking no more than 2-3 miles. The group usually meets at 9:00 am, and trips will wrap up around 2:00 pm. Please refer to the schedule or contact Sara for exact timing and distance for walking. Trips will include a stop for lunch, so please plan to bring money if you wish to stay for lunch.
An email is sent one week prior to each scheduled walk. If you wish to attend a walk, please reach out to Sara and RSVP. Send your email address to to join her email list.
Interested in attending a single walk? Register here. Remember, include the date and destination of the walk you are registering for.
Spring 2025 Schedule:
Destination | Date of Walk |
Day | Time | Walk Leader |
Samuel Cupples House | April 12 | Saturday | 9 AM | Sara Feagans |
Missouri History Museum | May 17 | Saturday | 9 AM | Sara Feagans |
Old Courthouse | June 21 | Saturday | 9 AM | Sara Feagans |